Veszprém is located north to the Lake Balaton, 120 km from Budapest (see map).

If you arrive by airplane at Liszt Ferenc Airport, Budapest then you can take either train or bus from Budapest to Veszprém.The intercity buses depart from Népliget bus station. Trains to Veszprém depart from Déli raiway station, but all trains stop in Budapest at Kelenföld railway station too. The above bus and railway stations are on metro lines.

Travel from the airport to Kelenföld railway station using public transportation: walk to the local bus stop between Terminal 2A and 2B, take bus no. 100E from the airport to Kálvin tér (this bus has a special fare of 900 HUF), there switch to Metro 4 in the direction to the terminal station Kelenföld vasutállomás..

Travel from the airport to Déli railway station using public transportation: walk to the local bus stop between Terminal 2A and 2B, take bus no. 100E from the airport to Deák Ferenc tér (this bus has a special fare of 900 HUF), there switch to Metro 2 in the direction to the terminal station Déli pályaudvar.

Travel from the airport to Népliget bus station using public transportation: walk to the local bus stop between Terminal 2A and 2B, take bus no. 200E from the airport to Népliget.

You can travel by buses, trams or metro in Budapest only with pre-purchased ticket that you validate when starting your trip. Its price is 350 HUF. Keep your ticket for the duration of your travel, controllers may ask you to show it any time.

Train: See the schedule of trains from Budapest to Veszprém. It is recommend to select only direct trains (without any change).

Bus: See the schedule of buses from Budapest to Veszprém. It is recommend to select only direct buses (without any change). (Sorry, this page works only in Hungarian recently. At the selection of the journey "Honnan?" means "from", and "Hova?" means "to". Also, you have to select the date of travel.)

Shuttle to Veszprém: If you arrive to te airport in the evening or you prefer a more confortable travel from Budapest to Veszprém, an airport shuttle service is recommended to use. The company we recomend (see works with fixed prices, which depends on the disctance and may depend on the number of passangers. Preliminary booking is required. Write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to the company for more information or for orders or to check the price.

If you arrive to Hungary by train through Győr, it is easier to take off from the train in Győr and travel to Veszprém by bus. See the schedule of buses from Győr to Veszprém. The train station and bus station are located next to each other in Győr (see map).